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Musel | Glam Digit Wild

Welcome in a new era of the GLAM sector! MUSEL is now online with its new MUSEEN MAG, the magazine that showcases the digital world of museums. The co-editors Kofi Sika Latzoo (Dakar, Senegal),  Angelika Schindel (Munich, Germany) and their intercultural team of MUSEL are inviting you to a an exciting journey into the digital world of museums. Rapidly advancing digitalization – not only due to Corona – has also reached the cultural sector worldwide, creating new forms of documentation, communication, play, mediation and audience development. This is applicable to museums – no matter if small, medium or big – as well as to galleries, libraries and archives and their surroundings.

The GLAMs are opening up, changing and receiving a new, greater perspective; no matter where in the world and in which country they may be located. With their historic and culturally valuable content – if this is digitally processed well and in an appealing way – GLAMs are able to reach completely new, international audiences today and in the future.

The new MUSEEN MAG  dedicates itself to the ongoing processes of change and modernization through its articles and contributions. The magazine is presenting in a unique crossmedial way the best digital examples, offers, ideas, programs, visualizations and new interacive formats of different museums and their partners in the various fields of art, architecture, fashion, hospitality management and tourism to their virtual readers.

The MUSEEN MAG is of interest to a worldwide culturally interested audience and cooperation partners that want to present themselves in this attractive environment. Please, jump in and have a look!

Title illustration MUSEL Team, done by Carlos Adenepke, llustration & Unreal Engine 2D/ Artist, shows (from the left): Prisca Pinto, Artifact Fashion Studio, Head & Quality product Consultant, Kofi Sika Latzoo Co-Founder & Gaming Expert, Angelika Schindel, Co-Founder & PR Art Expert.
One photo (Apollo 17) was kindly given to us by the lead of the VR Lab of the Deutsches Museum in Munich, Germany, Andrea Geipel, and two photos that are part of the exhibition LOME+ in LOMÈ, Togo, were given to us by the curator of LOME+,  the well known artist and architect Sénamé Koffi Agbodjinou.